Thursday, May 31, 2007


NCT for me has been challenging yet extremely thought-provoking. Prior to this subject I was definitely very close minded in regards to technology. Despite actually using numerous sources of technology and being constantly and intensely engaged in a diverse range of Communications, prior to this subject I was definitely very close minded in regards to technology. This subject has expanded my knowledge as it actually gave me a deep and thorough insight into the orientation of certain technologies, and all their various components and functions.

At the beginning I was extremely overwhelmed by the course content and felt there was no way I could possibly understand any of the technology jargon and complex subjects. I felt BOMBARDED and was fearing failure! YET as I progressed through the course I began to understand that further research and going over and over my lecture notes would see me with a clearer understanding of key concepts.

NOW...the movies....VERY CONFUSING...AT FIRST! But what I realised that by actually going home and googling or using other search engines :P I could get plot over views and the themes of the movies. This enabled me to actually watch the films with a knowledgeable insight into what was ACTUALLY HAPPENING and perhaps even why.

One idea that still remains at the front of my brain is about content on the internet and how there is a whole lot of sh*t out there! Especially when searching for key dates, times, numbers etc...therefore I have learnt RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH and definitely try to suss out the credibility of the web pages you are accessing!

The most interesting concepts for me:

  • Virtual Reality idea such as 'Second Life' and in particular the physiological effects it can cause and also the different types eg. projection and immersion
  • open source software...I HAD NO IDEA THIS ACTUALLY EXISTED! I must invest in this!!!!!
  • I thought the internet and www were the same thing... :P but now Im INFORMED!
  • the whole idea of e-democracy and how media restrictions effect our democratic society.

ALSO, being given the chance to devise my own subject topic for the essay in the end was very beneficial. This is because I actually got satisfaction and pleasure from researching and writing about something that interested me! Don’t get me was a difficult process in actually find a topic to write about!! haha but in the was very rewarding!

I want to say that the blog assessment is great, because it actually forced me to create lecture notes which were very beneficial for my exam preparation! Without this blog...I honestly believe I would have been very far behind! DEFINENTLY gave me some motivation to WORK WORK WORK!!!!


The only suggestion I have is, for dumbies like me or for those who take a while to get a grasp on new, complex ideas/concepts...maybe as a part of the tutorial we could have a discussion of sections the students don’t understand?...Just a suggestion though! But also by reading through the textbook it did very much help...and you were a great help as well Jules :)

But despite my feelings of doubt at the beginning, I am very much pleased with the course content and surprisingly I did get something out of learning about technology. And it is definitely information I can apply to everyday life! yes TOP COURSE!!!!!!!!!!! I learnt quite a bit actually :)


ps. I hope you got your car back..

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